Read in Bahasa Indonesia 🇲🇨
Journal 6.0 | November 2023

“What’s on Creator’s Head ft. Mr.Wisethetic”

In Frame : [1]  Spencer Half-zip in Black  [2]Oliver Crewneck in Ash .
Written by Naufal Hadi, Editor by Muzzayin D.W., Published by D.R.M Editorial Team. Nov 20th 2023.

Mr.Wisethetic a.k.a Naufal Hadi, is a content creator specialising in the fashion industry. His focus lies in crafting visual content through photography and videography that offers insights and inspiration on dressing well. He has a penchant for various styles such as minimalism, vintage, minimal streetwear, and clean formal looks, prioritising comfort and versatility, especially within the context of everyday life, particularly in Indonesia.

Personal Perspective: 
Dressing well matters a lot in today’s world. It’s like showing who we are without saying a word — “our style speaks for us”. When people feel good in what they wear, it boosts their confidence big time. First impressions really count, right? So, dressing sharp also helps with that. And, it’s not just about looking good; it’s about respecting the vibe of different places and situations. In work, it’s all about being pro, and taking care of how we present ourselves is part of that. Overall, it’s about feeling great while staying true to ourselves.

First Impressions: 
We all know that the way we dress is like our introduction before we even say a word. People form impressions based on how we look, it’s human nature. When someone’s put together and rocking an outfit that suits them, it sends a message that they care about themselves and the situation they’re in. It’s that initial “WOW” factor that sticks. It’s not just about the clothes, it’s about the confidence and respect for the setting. So, yeah, appearance plays a big role in that first impression.

Confidence and Self-Expression:
Like saying “Hey, this is me!” Confidence just radiates when we’re comfortable and feeling authentic in what we wear. It’s a powerful tool for self-expression, and dressing well is like wearing confidence. It’s that boost we need to feel great about ourselves. When we’re dressed in something that suits our style, it’s like we’re speaking a visual language that’s all our own. It’s Empowering! I’ve seen how it changes how people carry themselves. It’s not just about following trends, it’s about feeling comfortable enough to express who we are without words. 

Cultural Influence:
Naufal has observed that in Indonesia, fashion plays a significant role in expressing cultural identities while staying in line with the latest trends. This is evident in how traditional motifs, unique fabrics, and designs inspired by our cultural heritage are incorporated into fashion here. It’s a powerful tool for showcasing our diverse cultural identities. Local designers cleverly blend these traditional elements with modern styles, creating clothes that reflect our cultural values while remaining stylish. Additionally, social media and technology have a big impact, spreading appreciation for culturally inspired fashion to a wider audience and influencing local fashion trends.

Professional Life: 
In the professional realm, how we dress matters quite a bit. It’s like our visual resume! When we dress the part, it shows we respect the environment and take our roles seriously. Industries like finance, law, and corporate settings put a big emphasis on professional attire. It’s all about credibility and making a solid impression. In creative fields, there’s a unique style that still says ‘professional.’ It’s about understanding the vibe of the industry and dressing to fit that image. Overall, paying attention to attire is key, it’s like our silent introduction in the professional world.

Fashion as a Lifestyle: 
As a lifestyle, dressing well isn’t just about looks, it’s woven into our daily vibe. When we’re on point with our style, it’s like an energy booster for the whole day. It’s that extra pep in your step! Beyond appearances, it impacts how we feel about ourselves. Confidence goes through the roof, and that affects everything like interactions with others, productivity, even our mood. It’s like the outfit sets the tone for the day. When we’re comfortable and feeling good, it’s easier to focus on what matters. Fashion as a lifestyle isn’t just about clothes, it’s about embracing a mindset that says, ‘I’m ready for whatever today brings!’.

Fashion Content Creation: 
As a fashion content creator, Naufal is all about showcasing the beauty of dressing well. He believes that what he creates plays a role in shaping how people perceive the importance of style. He aims to show that it’s more than just putting on clothes, it’s about expressing himself and feeling incredible in what he wears. However, He’s not entirely sure if his content is enough to completely shape perceptions. He thinks it’s a collective effort, his content, along with other influences, contributes to this understanding. People interpret fashion in various ways, and his goal is to inspire and show that dressing well can truly uplift how we feel about ourselves.

Tips for Men: 
We might have come across these tips before, but they truly work wonders! Finding clothes that fit well is a universal game changer, it’s like an instant style boost. Basic colour combinations? They’re like the secret sauce that makes styling a breeze. And of course, wardrobe essentials like a crisp white shirt or a trusty pair of jeans? They’re the backbone of great style. Layering and accessorising? Well, they’re like the icing on the cake. But here’s the thing : while these tips are known, the real magic happens when we find our unique style. It’s about what makes us feel confident and comfortable. So, yes, while these tips are out there, experimenting and crafting our personal style is where the real fun begins!

Balancing Trends and Individual Style 
Finding that balance between trends and personal style is like the sweet spot in fashion. It’s awesome to keep an eye on trends, they can be super inspiring! But the real magic happens when you tweak those trends to fit our own vibe. So, picking elements from trends that resonate with us and mixing them with our signature style is key. It’s like adding our own twist to what’s hot right now. Feel unpressured to follow every trend. Pick and choose what aligns with our personality and makes us feel awesome. That way, we’re staying present while being true to our unique style. Remember, fashion should feel like an expression of who we are, not a rulebook we have to follow.



Cool Breeze

Spencer Olive

Rp 165,000

Cool Breeze

Spencer Navy

Rp 165,000

Cool Breeze

Spencer Black

Rp 165,000

Read in Bahasa Indonesia 🇲🇨
Journal 6.0 | November 2023

“What’s on Creator’s Head ft. Mr.Wisethetic”

In Frame : [1]  Spencer Half-zip in Black  [2]Oliver Crewneck in Ash

Written by Naufal Hadi, Editor by Muzzayin D.W., Published by D.R.M Editorial Team. Nov 20th 2023.

Mr.Wisethetic a.k.a Naufal Hadi, is a content creator specialising in the fashion industry. His focus lies in crafting visual content through photography and videography that offers insights and inspiration on dressing well. He has a penchant for various styles such as minimalism, vintage, minimal streetwear, and clean formal looks, prioritising comfort and versatility, especially within the context of everyday life, particularly in Indonesia.

Personal Perspective: 
Dressing well matters a lot in today’s world. It’s like showing who we are without saying a word — “our style speaks for us”. When people feel good in what they wear, it boosts their confidence big time. First impressions really count, right? So, dressing sharp also helps with that. And, it’s not just about looking good; it’s about respecting the vibe of different places and situations. In work, it’s all about being pro, and taking care of how we present ourselves is part of that. Overall, it’s about feeling great while staying true to ourselves.

First Impressions: 
We all know that the way we dress is like our introduction before we even say a word. People form impressions based on how we look, it’s human nature. When someone’s put together and rocking an outfit that suits them, it sends a message that they care about themselves and the situation they’re in. It’s that initial “WOW” factor that sticks. It’s not just about the clothes, it’s about the confidence and respect for the setting. So, yeah, appearance plays a big role in that first impression.

Confidence and Self-Expression:
Like saying “Hey, this is me!” Confidence just radiates when we’re comfortable and feeling authentic in what we wear. It’s a powerful tool for self-expression, and dressing well is like wearing confidence. It’s that boost we need to feel great about ourselves. When we’re dressed in something that suits our style, it’s like we’re speaking a visual language that’s all our own. It’s Empowering! I’ve seen how it changes how people carry themselves. It’s not just about following trends, it’s about feeling comfortable enough to express who we are without words. 

Cultural Influence:
Naufal has observed that in Indonesia, fashion plays a significant role in expressing cultural identities while staying in line with the latest trends. This is evident in how traditional motifs, unique fabrics, and designs inspired by our cultural heritage are incorporated into fashion here. It’s a powerful tool for showcasing our diverse cultural identities. Local designers cleverly blend these traditional elements with modern styles, creating clothes that reflect our cultural values while remaining stylish. Additionally, social media and technology have a big impact, spreading appreciation for culturally inspired fashion to a wider audience and influencing local fashion trends.

Professional Life: 
In the professional realm, how we dress matters quite a bit. It’s like our visual resume! When we dress the part, it shows we respect the environment and take our roles seriously. Industries like finance, law, and corporate settings put a big emphasis on professional attire. It’s all about credibility and making a solid impression. In creative fields, there’s a unique style that still says ‘professional.’ It’s about understanding the vibe of the industry and dressing to fit that image. Overall, paying attention to attire is key, it’s like our silent introduction in the professional world.

Fashion as a Lifestyle: 
As a lifestyle, dressing well isn’t just about looks, it’s woven into our daily vibe. When we’re on point with our style, it’s like an energy booster for the whole day. It’s that extra pep in your step! Beyond appearances, it impacts how we feel about ourselves. Confidence goes through the roof, and that affects everything like interactions with others, productivity, even our mood. It’s like the outfit sets the tone for the day. When we’re comfortable and feeling good, it’s easier to focus on what matters. Fashion as a lifestyle isn’t just about clothes, it’s about embracing a mindset that says, ‘I’m ready for whatever today brings!’.

Fashion Content Creation: 
As a fashion content creator, Naufal is all about showcasing the beauty of dressing well. He believes that what he creates plays a role in shaping how people perceive the importance of style. He aims to show that it’s more than just putting on clothes, it’s about expressing himself and feeling incredible in what he wears. However, He’s not entirely sure if his content is enough to completely shape perceptions. He thinks it’s a collective effort, his content, along with other influences, contributes to this understanding. People interpret fashion in various ways, and his goal is to inspire and show that dressing well can truly uplift how we feel about ourselves.

Tips for Men: 
We might have come across these tips before, but they truly work wonders! Finding clothes that fit well is a universal game changer, it’s like an instant style boost. Basic colour combinations? They’re like the secret sauce that makes styling a breeze. And of course, wardrobe essentials like a crisp white shirt or a trusty pair of jeans? They’re the backbone of great style. Layering and accessorising? Well, they’re like the icing on the cake. But here’s the thing : while these tips are known, the real magic happens when we find our unique style. It’s about what makes us feel confident and comfortable. So, yes, while these tips are out there, experimenting and crafting our personal style is where the real fun begins!

Balancing Trends and Individual Style 
Finding that balance between trends and personal style is like the sweet spot in fashion. It’s awesome to keep an eye on trends, they can be super inspiring! But the real magic happens when you tweak those trends to fit our own vibe. So, picking elements from trends that resonate with us and mixing them with our signature style is key. It’s like adding our own twist to what’s hot right now. Feel unpressured to follow every trend. Pick and choose what aligns with our personality and makes us feel awesome. That way, we’re staying present while being true to our unique style. Remember, fashion should feel like an expression of who we are, not a rulebook we have to follow.



Cool Breeze

Spencer Black

Rp 165,000

Cool Breeze

Oliver Ash

Rp 175,000

Cool Breeze

Oliver Navy

Rp 175,000